DECK THE HALLS on Sparkly Merino Sock Yarn

Regular price $28.00

Quantity Available: 1

Deck the Halls is one of my new Christmas colorways for 2023. It's an assigned pooling colorway with a bright Christmas green as the predominant color and the same scarlet red as Cherries Jubilee as the assigned color.

While this would make a great assigned pooling project, it also looks great knit "normally." I included a sample hat to show how it looks knit up in stockinette.

I dyed this on my Sparkly Merino Sock yarn base, which is made of 92% superwash merino and 8% sparkly lurex. 

Deck the Halls on Sparkly Merino Sock
Christmas Collection
Assigned Pooling Colorway
409 yards / 4 oz / 4 plies
92% superwash merino / 8% lurex
Care: Machine or hand wash cold and air dry

The last photo shows Cherries Jubilee with Deck the Halls and Poinsettias for a lovely Christmas combo.

I knit up a sample hat to show you how Deck the Halls knits up in "normal" stockinette.

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