DREAMS OF THE SEA Indie-Dyed Yarn on Squiggle Sock

Regular price $27.00

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I first dyed Dreams of the Sea when I was longing to see the ocean. It has beautiful jewel tones including several shades of blue and jade green. 

I dyed it on Squiggle Sock, which is such a fun yarn base made with superwash merino spun in a spiral around a nylon core and with little beehives or slubs every couple feet.

Dreams of the Sea on Squiggle Sock
Creative Collection
Splashed and Speckled Colorway
437 yards / 3.5 oz / 2 Plies
90% Superwash Merino / 10% Nylon
Care: Hand wash cold and air dry.

Dreams of the Sea would look great with Turquoise and Visit to Lyme.

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